En esta página econtrarás información acerca de los masajes prostáticos, orientados al tantra, los tipos de masajes tantra que contienen masajes de próstata que podrás recibir en Barcelona de la mano de las masajista tantra Mónica tántrica, sus tarifas y precios y también los beneficios de estos masajes de próstata hechos de manerar profesional por una masajista o técnica preparada para ofrecer este servicio.
What its the prostate? ¿Qué es la próstata?
La próstata es una glándula que produce parte del líquido del semen. Tiene el tamaño y la forma de una nuez y rodea la uretra, el conducto por el que la vejiga vacía la orina. Está situada delante del recto, entre la vejiga y el pene.
The prostate is a gland that produces some of the fluid in semen. About the size and shape of a walnut, it surrounds the urethra, the tube through which the bladder empties urine. It’s located in front of the rectum, between the bladder and the penis.
¿Qué beneficios tiene el masaje de próstata tántrico? Beneficios del masaje prostático/ What benefits does tantric prostate massage have? Benefits of prostate massage
A continuación te enumeramos los beneficios de este masaje anal de próstata:
- Reduce el riesgo de inflamación prostática
- Reduce las posibilidades de padecer cáncer de próstata
- Minimiza los síntomas de disfunción eréctil
- Reducción de las micciones nocturnas
- Previene trastornos como el BPH
- Provoca placer extremo
tantra prostatico
Prostate Orgasm: What It Is / Orgasmo de próstata: qué es?
When the prostate gland is stimulated or massaged, it’s possible for a person to have a type of orgasm called a prostate orgasm.
Prostate massage can also be a sexual activity. Inserting a finger, penis, or device into the anus and stimulating the prostate from there can lead to orgasm for some people. You can also stimulate the gland from the outside by massaging the prostate through the perineum, the area between the anus and the scrotum. Orgasm achieved solely through perineum massage is sometimes known as perineum orgasm.
The prostate is surrounded by nerve endings, and some people find that massage can feel good even if they don’t have an orgasm.
Other Names for Prostate Orgasm
The prostate is sometimes called the male g-spot, or the p-spot, a reference to the area inside the vagina, called the g-spot, that may lead to orgasm. Some people use the phrase “prostate milking” instead of prostate massage. “Prostate massage,” “prostate orgasm,” and “prostate milking” are often used interchangeably. However, some use “prostate milking” to describe only orgasms from internal, rather than perineal, massage.
What’s the Difference Between Prostate and Penile Orgasm?
There are several differences between orgasms of the prostate and the penis. These include:
Prostatic fluid is only one part of the fluid that comes out when the penis ejaculates. The rest comes from other structures, including the seminal vesicles and the urethral and bulbourethral glands. A prostate orgasm will only produce fluid from the prostate gland.
Arousal and orgasm are complex processes that involve the nerves, brain, and hormones, in addition to sex organs. There is a lot that doctors still don’t know about them. However, penile orgasm generally happens through stimulation of the penis, and prostate orgasm through the stimulation of the prostate.
While some men do not enjoy the sensation of prostate orgasm, others prefer it. In general, prostate orgasms are thought to be more intense than penile orgasms. For one thing, penile orgasms are associated with 4-8 pelvic contractions, while prostatic massage orgasms are associated with 12.
Recovery Time
In general, prostate orgasms require a shorter refractory period, or recovery time, than penile orgasms. For that reason, prostate orgasms are sometimes associated with the possibility of multiple orgasms.
It’s possible to have a prostate and penile orgasm at the same time or one after another, and some people find that this combination provides the most intense orgasm. However, you may lose your erection after a prostate orgasm, which can prevent or delay penile orgasm.
How to Explore Prostate Orgasm
Prostate orgasm can be explored either solo or with a partner. If you’re trying it for the first time, you may want to begin with stimulation of the perineum. As you move backwards towards the anus, you will know you’ve hit the right spot when the area under your skin feels softer and you feel an increase in sensation. You may also feel like you need to pee at the same time.
Tipos de masajes tantra que contienen una sesión de masaje anal Barcelona/ TYPES of tantra massage with prostate massage Barcelona
Masaje Supremo
El masaje tantra erótico básico, que incluye masaje body body, masaje lingam y masaje prostático o anal. Puedes escoger entre una hora, o una hora y media de masaje. Para más tiempo consultar.
Masaje Josep
Este es el masaje enfocado y especializado en el masaje de próstata, y contiene dos sesiones de este masaje en dos posturas diferentes. Incluyendo 2 sesiones de lingam si es tu deseo. Para los amantes del masaje anal, la mejor elección.
Masaje Body body extremo
El masaje tantra erótico más intenso de la carta, donde la mayoría del tiempo de masaje se realiza con mi cuerpo. Incluye para finalizar una sesión de masaje prostático si es que lo deseas, el detalle culminante para la intensidad de este masaje.